Tuesday 13 May 2008

The Gettysburg address

Here is some great footage of Lola practicing public speaking:

Things to look out for:
1."I love you " in a slurred 'vowels only' dialect learnt from Daddy
2."Grades", or maybe "Grapes" which makes much more sense
3. Mummy and Daddy acting like grown ups when someone breaks the wind
4. The most offensive squeaker ever heard (I think it was an organ harvested from a muppet)


Anonymous said...

oh my word, she is so gorgeous!!! I'll have to arrange a visit very soon...

Laura xxx

H said...

Bah, tried to visit today but you were otherwise occupied.
There's something for you at Solveig's. Lots of love, hope I get to see the small cute one soon (preferably in her GRACC gear). xxxx