Thursday 29 May 2008

The dreaded mastitis

Yes, it struck. The thing I worried about getting during the early part of Lola's life rocked up when she was 12 weeks. And it was hideous with a capital H. Bound to the bed with what felt like a nasty bout of flu, I panicked when the symptoms started as I just couldn't get my head around how the hell I was going to look after Lola while feeling so bad. We were very lucky as Paul's work were great about him taking a day off and my Dad was able to come down for a day when Paul had to go back. Thankfully it was short lived, once those antibiotics had kicked in I was right as rain.

I'd like to take this opportunity to let my friends know that I'll be there for them if they get it (or any other illness for that matter) while looking after their small babies. I know how impossible it is so please do give me a call!

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